Visual Inspiration
I don't usually talk about websites but this time I'm going to make an exception. I've been so pleased about the number of websites that feature women in science these days. One of my favorites, for the sheer beauty of their photographs, is The Poster Project . I particularly like the poster on mathematics featuring mathematician Karen Uhlenbeck. It includes a beautiful soap film on a wire frame illustrating what negative curvature looks like.
And if you would like audio as well as visual inspiration go to the project's video "Computation, Sound and Vision" .
Let me quote their description:
"The show featured dual installations that visualized natural noise, rhythms in the brain, lifecycle experiences of fruit flies, and insect vision. The exhibition included large-scale multimedia works on paper, projections, and a sound landscape. The conception and origins for the installations were driven by the overarching musical structures that incorporate Bach’s unaccompanied violin sonatas, Debussy's piano piece "Golliwog’s Cakewalk," and music generated from brainwave data and insect neuron activity."
It will blow you away!