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Pat's a fellow

And I am indeed. Last night I was selected to be one of the 2008 AWIS Fellows. AWIS is, of course, the Association for Women in Science. I am so honored and so excited for so many reasons.

First I love their vision:

We envision a day when women will participate fully in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics as manifested through equal opportunity, pay equity, and recognition commensurate with their accomplishments.

Second my fellow Fellows (ah I always wanted to type that) are so cool:

Molly Carnes

Penny Gilmer

Evelynn Hammonds

Mary Anne Holmes

Geraldine Richmond

Richard Zare

(of course I googled them right away, wouldn't you?)

and third I got to spend some time with Rita Colwell. (I'm such a groupie when it comes to two people, Rita Colwell and Bob Moses)

All in all it was a wonderful night. Thank you AWIS !