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Happy Spring; Go Soxs!

Even though there is ice on the lake and snow on the ground; it is officially spring!. In honor of spring I have a happy baseball story; of course it's a Red Sox story, what else would you expect?

As the news story says:

The controversy started when manager Terry Francona found out that the teams' players and managers will be paid an extra $40,000 for the trip to the Far East, but the coaching staffs from both Boston and Oakland would not receive the appearance fee.

The teams response was to vote unanimously to boycott the game against the Toronto Blue Jays and their planned trip to Japan unless Major League Baseball agreed to compensate coaches for the season-opener overseas. And guess what, Major League Baseball now says "Everyone connected with the trip will be fairly compensated."

This might not be FairerScience but it sure is FairerBaseball



Update: the Sox won!