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The Earth Day 2009 resolutions meme.

This great meme came from Dave via Dr. Free-Ride.

I'd like you to take a minute or two to come up with three things that you can do to be more environmentally friendly. The first should be something that's small, and easy to do. The second should be more ambitious - something you'll try to do, but might not manage to pull off. The third should be something you can do to improve something you're already doing.

So here are mine:.

Small and easy: Only buying environmentally friendly cleaning products.

More ambitious: Fly less and/or figure out some way to reduce the impact of my flying.

Improve something already doing: I did an ok job hanging clothes out on the line last summer; I'll start doing that earlier this year (like now) and will check the weather before I do laundry.


Update. I did the first clothesline laundry of the 2009 today and it wasn't even that hard. Second one, with sheets and towels, is tomorrow.

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