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Wait when is Ada Lovelace Day?

According to Finding Ada it's today. But in 2010 and 2009 I swear it was March 24th and last year it was October 7th.. You gotta forgive me for being confused.

But I can't let the day go by without writing about one role model-- and frankly Anita Borg is an easy one. Anita was a friend who died way too young. Anita- yes the woman, who started Systers, the Grace Hopper Conference and of course the Institute that is named for her.

The above is Anita the legacy, which is wonderful. For those of you who didn't know her - Anita the woman was something else-- funny, snarky and always on target. Anita used to say if women had designed cell phones- the phones would have been integrated into bras. And BTW she always appreciated the view of an attractive man leaving on a motor cycle. I miss you Anita and am so glad that you were part of my life and of our society!