About FairerScienceFairerScience began as joint project of the Wellesley Centers for Women (WCW) and Campbell-Kibler Associates, Inc. funded by the National Science Foundation's Research on Gender in Science and Engineering Program (NSF). NSF funding and WCW support gave FairerScience the opportunity to begin and grow and we are very grateful to them. FairerScience continues as a project of Campbell-Kibler Associates. FairerScience began because researchers and advocates for women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) have not been effectively communicating their findings in ways that allow the public including policy makers, educators and parents to understand and evaluate these findings and, where appropriate, make decisions based on them. FairerScience is committed to changing that both in terms of gender and where gender issues in STEM interact with issues of race/ethnicity and disability. For more information on FairerScience contact: