A blackboard  showing stick figures with some of the women taller than some of the men. Stick figures in the thoughts of listeners with all the men taller than all the women.
Unlearning Gender Stereotypes

Woman at desk, covered with text books, being weighed down by STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

Woman at computer, thinking about female and male math and science students on either end of a balance scale.
Welcome to the FairerScience.org blog. This is not the data and research based part of the website. We use the blog to bring up and comment on funny and not so funny news and information directly (or even indirectly) related to FairerScience.

An illustration of a women nailing up a sign that says 'Tools'.
Presentation Tools

Reporter interviewing scientist.
Media Tools

Illustration of women forming a connected network.
Building Web Communities

You have permission to duplicate and use the materials but not to sell them. Credit must be included when they are quoted.

CDs of the complete Campbell-Kibler, Hertig and Newitz presentations from the Miscommunications, Misunderstandings, and Mistakes session from the 2007 AAAS Annual Meeting can be purchased from the Lawrence Media Group.
CDs of the complete Carson, Morrell and Newtiz presentations from Blogs, Boards and Bonding session from the 2008 AAAS Annual Meeting can be purchased from AVEN.
We thank them both for their permission to use the recorded materials.

Illustrations by Lee Abuabara.

Thanks to CSSplay, for style code used in our menus.

National Science Foundation logo Production of this material was made possible by a grant from the National Science Foundation. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the funders.
© 2006, 2007, 2008 Campbell-Kibler Associates, Inc. All Rights Reserved